EcoForest CO2, S.A.P.I. de C.V.
Ecosystem restoration
Climate Action Reserve
Verification status
Background Ejido La Ciudad was founded on June 18, 1937, and encompasses 13,526.92 hectares of land that ejidatarios (communal landholders) have preserved over decades through sustainable forest management. The Ejido is located in the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range, within the municipality of Pueblo Nuevo, southwest of Durango State, Mexico. The project aims to: - Develop restoration activities in areas degraded by erosion or forest fires and pests. - Enhance teamwork among Ejido members, forestry technical service personnel, government agencies, and NGOs to highlight the value of forest resources as natural heritage and societal well-being. Project Activities This Improved Forest Management (IFM) project follows the Mexico Forest Protocol v3.0 of the Climate Action Reserve (CAR). Project activities include: - Implementation of silvicultural strategies aligned with IFM practices to preserve timber reserves and boost carbon stocks. - Induction and protection of natural forest regeneration - Reforestation with native species in areas lacking sufficient regeneration. - Non-commercial thinning removes competing vegetation to allow healthier trees to thrive. - Firebreaks creation to prevent the spread of forest fires. - Forest health maintenance to prevent and combat pests and diseases. - Selective harvesting maintains forest structure, enhances stand composition and resilience, and regulates density and distribution. General Information - Estimated Annual Removal: Approximately 44,500 tonnes of CO₂ equivalent (tCO₂e) - Project Area: The project covers 12,222.74 hectares of forest land. Monitoring Following the Mexico Forest Protocol, the project is monitored on an annual basis to evaluate the impact of project activities on carbon stocks, forest health, and biodiversity. Monitoring reports will be publicly accessible on the CAR platform, ensuring transparency of project results. Additionality - Environmental Additionality: Implements IFM practices beyond business-as-usual scenarios, leading to carbon emission reductions. - Financial Additionality: Carbon finance is essential for restoration activities that are not financially viable through timber sales alone. - Technological Additionality: Introduces advanced silvicultural techniques and monitoring methodologies uncommon in the region. - Policy Additionality: Exceeds existing legal requirements, providing additional environmental benefits beyond compliance. Climate Co-Benefits The project safeguards and boosts the forest's ability to regulate water cycles and prevent soil erosion. Biodiversity Co-Benefits - Species Conservation: Income from carbon certificates will fund conservation actions to maintain biodiversity. - Threatened Species Protection: Within the property, at least 10 species are reported under risk categories according to NOM-059SEMARNAT-2010, Annex III (SEMARNAT, 2019). - Hotspot Location: The project area is situated in the Madrean Pine-Oak Woodlands hotspot, a Diversity Hotspots Revisited by Conservation International - Preservation of flora and fauna (e.g. river otter, military macaw, jaguarundi, bobcat, puma) Social Co-Benefits - Job creation for local community members - Community Well-Being and social cohesion among Ejido members - Gender Equity Promotion through the involvement of women in project activities - Equitable distribution of project benefits among community members Additional selling points - Forest Management Program (FMP): This program, which generates 300 permanent jobs, is executed by Ejido members together with relevant institutions for the sustainable utilization of its timber resources (2016–2026) - Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certification: Since 2008, the Ejido is FSC certified showcasing strict compliance to current forest regulations, land tenure right respect, workers' rights, and guaranteeing equitable distribution of forest benefits among Ejido members. Thank You for Being Part of Tierra de Gigantes! We are committed to environmental excellence and look forward to collaborating with you to drive positive actions for the planet.
No certification
SDG claims
SDG - 1
No Poverty
End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
SDG - 5
Gender Equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
SDG - 8
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
SDG - 13
Climate Action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
SDG - 15
Life on Land
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
SDG claims verified by an official third party.
SDG claims reported by the supplier but not verified by an official third party.
Retired carbon credits shown in this climate portfolio are verified. Portfolios might contain: (a) future credits (commitments), that will be verified once the retirement becomes available; (b) credits that were not purchased through the CEEZER marketplace, and therefore did not undergo our quality screening; (c) credits that originate from registries that we do not support.