Renewable energy
Project activity
Grid connected electricity
Gold Standard
The purpose of the project activity is to generate power using renewable energy source (wind energy) and sell the power generated to the Indian grid. The project activity generates electricity using wind energy. The generated electricity is exported to the Indian grid system which is under the purview of the INDIAN electricity grid of India.The project activity replaces anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases estimated to be approximately 101,733 tCO2e per year, thereon displacing 108,597 MWh/year amount of electricity from the generation-mix of power plants connected to the INDIAN GRID, which is mainly dominated by thermal/ fossil fuel based power plant.
Gold Standard - Certified SDG Impact
SDG claims
SDG - 7
Affordable and clean energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
SDG - 8
Decent work and economic growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
SDG - 13
Climate action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
SDG claims verified by an official third party.
SDG claims reported by the supplier but not verified by an official third party.
Retired carbon credits shown in this climate portfolio are verified. Portfolios might contain: (a) future credits (commitments), that will be verified once the retirement becomes available; (b) credits that were not purchased through the CEEZER marketplace, and therefore did not undergo our quality screening; (c) credits that originate from registries that we do not support.